We are pleased to announce the availability of Shattered by Petra Thompson. Shattered is the story of a young atheist girl who is challenged by a schoolmate to meet with a different godly mentor each week. Brie takes the challenge, and her world is turned upside down by what she learns in the course of her journey.

The first in The Pieces Series trilogy, Shattered is an unique novel. While the protagonist is a fictional character, the women featured in the book are all real women who met with Petra Thompson, the author, as part of a mentoring journey she experienced. Because of this, reading the stories, testimonies, accounts of miracles and wisdom on how to live life successfully are even more impactful because they are shared by real women.
Shattered is available for order through Ingram Book Distributors. The title is also available in numerous ebook stores such as Apple iBooks Store, Barnes & Noble and other ebook retailers.