Title: How To Be a Mentor for a Day: Planning for the Day, Planting for the Future (Second Edition) Author: Craig Thompson ISBN (print): 978-1-64407-008-6 ISBN (ebook): 978-1-64407-009-3

Mentors are a rich source of knowledge to the young and those eager to learn. Yet, Western society has lost the art of preparing adults to mentor those who are in their sphere of influence. When they are asked to mentor a young man or young woman, even for a day, some adults shrink back from the unknown.
This book answers the questions of “What should I do when I spend time with a young person for a one-day job shadow or mentoring experience?” and “How should I prepare for the day?” With years of experience developing mentoring programs and connecting youth with adults, author Craig Thompson guides you step-by-step in your preparation in order to make your mentoring session both enjoyable and effectual.
This is book one in The Mentoring Revolution Series.

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